About me

I am a Research Fellow in mathematics at University College London funded by EPSRC Early Career Fellowship: EP/V001760/1 (P.I. Jeffry Galkowski).

From September 2023 to September 2024 I was a Postdoctoral Researcher in mathematics at the Universitá di Padova funded by the STARS Project “New directions in sub-Riemannian geometry: submanifolds, curvature bounds, geometric hypoelliptic PDEs” under Davide Barilari. I am a member of the research group in sub-Riemannnian geometry in Padova.

From January 2021 to September 2023, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in mathematics and a member of the Analysis Group at the University of Bath; I was supported by the Research Project Grant (RPG-2020-037: Quantum limits for sub-elliptic operators) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (PI: Véronique Fischer) (Co-PI: Clotilde Fermanian-Kammerer).

I received my Ph.D. in 2020 at the University of California, Santa Cruz under the co-supervision of Richard Montgomery and François Monard.

In Fall 2019, I was a Program Assistant at the Mathematical Sciences Research Instute at UC Berkeley in the semester program: Micolocal Analysis.

In 2019, I was supported as a Graduate Student Researcher on the NSF grant “Explicit methods for linear and non-linear tomography” (DMS-1814104, 2018-2020, PI: François Monard).

My research interests are broadly geometric mechanics (sub-riemannian geometry), harmonic analysis on groups, and inverse problems. I am trained to use tools synthesizing microlocal analysis, differential geometry and representation theory.

I co-oragnized the Bath Analysis Seminar. My University of Bath webpage is here. My University of Bath research portal is here.